los cuatros elementos

La primera dia en Andalucia fuimos en un pasado pequeno por la cuidad de Cordoba.  Vimos algunos patios y sus hermosas flores llenándolos de piso a techo. Aprendí que un patio debe contener 4 elementos. Un pozo, el suelo hecho de rocas, agua y flores. Visitamos al jardin de Mosque-Cathedral de Cordoba tambien. Hay muchos arboles de naranjas en el jardin. Una manera que se puede saber si los naranjas son dulces es por los hojas. Si una hoja tiene dos partes entonces la naranja no es dulce. Tambien el jardin tiene una fontana y es dicho que bebes de la fuente, buscares amor dentro del ano. (bebi y todavia nada). Fuimos a un museo archaeological and etnological y saquemos nuestro primero foto como un grupo. Terminamos el paseo en un plaza donde vimos un cantante de flamenco y donde probe mi primero sangria!

The first day in Andalucia we went on a small tour through the city of Cordoba. We saw some patios and their beautiful flowers filling them from the floor to the ceiling. I learned that a patio consists of 4 elements. A well, a ground made of rock, water and flowers. We visited the garden of the Cathedral Mosque of Cordoba as well. There are many orange tres in the garden. A way one can know if the oranges are sweet are by the leaves. If a leaf has 2 parts then the orange isnt sweet. The garden also has a fountain and its said that if you drink from the fountain you will find love within a year. ( I drank and still nothing) We went to an arcaeological and ethnological and ethnological museum and took our first pictures as a group there. We finished the tour in a plaza where we saw a flamenco singer and where I tasted my first sip of sangria!


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